History & Heritage

Milford, PA Historic Places
Take a Look at Our Rich History
The Milford Historic District was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on July 23, 1998 by the Bureau for Historic Preservation. It is located in the commercial heart of the Borough of Milford. This community is the county seat and largest municipality of Pike County.
The Historic District consists of 22 acres beginning at the northeast corner of West Harford Street and Gooseberry Alley, then east along the north carbine of West Harford Street ca. 275′ to the east curb line of Broad Street; then south along the east curb line of Broad Street ca. 150′ to the south property line of 101 East Harford Street; then east along the rear lot lines of the properties fronting on East Harford Street ca. 775′ to a point; then north ca. 325′ to the south burbling of Pear Alley; then west along the south curb line of Pear Alley ca. 525′ to the west burn line of Blackberry Alley; then north along the west burn line of Blackberry Alley ca. 1,100′ to the northeast property line of 501 Broad Street; then west ca. 450′ to the east curb line of Gooseberry Alley; then south along the east curb line of Gooseberry Alley ca. 425′ to the rear property line of 107 West Catherine Street; then west ca. 100′ to the west lot line of 109 West Catherine Street; then east along the north curb line of West Catherine Street ca. 100′ to the east curb line of Gooseberry Alley; then south along the east curb line of Gooseberry Alley ca. 775′ to the place of beginning at the north curb line of West Harford Street.
Photos by Preston Ehrler Photography, prestonehrler.com | jpehrler@gmail.com